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APS is committed to a Total Quality approach in order to guarantee the highest match between the services provided and the requirements of its customers.

contrôle qualité de pièce

Highest standard quality certifications

In order to provide the highest quality to our customers and meet the regulatory requirements of our markets, we rely on the ISO 9001 quality management system and the EN9100 certification specific to aeronautics.

Our quality management certifications

Our market certifications

Our quality management certifications Metrasur

Our market certifications

A Lean continuous improvement approach

APS has implemented a quality management system based on Lean performance research principles in order to improve our production quality and lead times for our customers.

We set up with our employees the layout of workstations as part of a 5S plan. This program allows us to improve workstation ergonomics, facilitate production flows and promote quality of life at work.

In parallel, we organize daily and weekly ritualized meetings for each workshop in order to drive performance and continuous improvement.

Salt spray tests for corrosion-resistant parts

We meet your requirements by proving the quality of our coating on your parts by validating standardized salt spray tests.

Depending on your requirements, the parts will be exposed to several weeks of testing in order to avoid non-conformities and guarantee you a flawless quality.


How can we help you?

Do not hesitate to contact us for any quote request, we will answer within 24 hours.


quality certifications APS Sites

ISO 9001EN 9100NadcapIATF 16949